Saint Petersburg Hotels hotels in Saint Petersburg — 243

Saint Petersburg Hotels

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Hotel Anjuta na Ladozhskoy
Hotel Marco Polo Saint-Petersburg
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Hotel RA
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Hotel Grand Emerald
Hotel Altburg na Nevskom
Hotel Butterfly
Hotel Germes
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Hotel Delux
Hotel Gena
Hotel Yuzhno-Primorskiy
Hotel Belveder-Nevskiy

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Hotel Matisov Domik

Nearest metro station: Sadovaja
DBL (rubles): 3300
Address: Nab. reki Prjazki, 3/1
Contacts: +7 (812) 495-1439
+7 (812) 495-0242
+7 (812) 495-0374
+7 (812) 495-2419
( ? ) This hotel is on free placing, therefore detailed description and photos are inaccessible to viewing. More about prolongation of paid placing you can read here.

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